Yield GreenBond

GreenBond contract provides long term yield to investors by loaning funds either passively with Aave or actively in NFT projects. The contract is fully ERC-4626 compatible meaning integration with existing protocols is seamless.

Overrall design to provide stable returns for renewable energy project financing, in the form of a stablecoin (USDT) bond. It enforces a minimum lock-up period (3-6 months) for deposited assets, in order to establish new projects' active income. Passive income is earned through Aave lending.

GreenBond documentation

How to Invest

  1. Set Up Your Wallet: Download MetaMask and add USDT on Arbitrum.
  2. Visit Our Dapp: Choose how much to invest in the green energy projects fund.
  3. Purchase Your Bond: Connect your wallet and buy gBOND using USDT.
  4. Earn and Participate: Monitor your earnings and join governance.